Saturday, March 5, 2016


The project is coming along at a pretty good pace. Even though we have a ways to go until it's complete, we've ticked off some important milestones lately.

On Thursday we had a fully functional bathroom!

There's a fair amount of finish work to do, but it's all working and not leaking (as far as we know).

It was also our first night back in the house. We were all a little cold (the heat is off since it would all just go through the gaping holes and into the attic), but we've since plugged in the heated mattress pads.

Tonight we had our first meal back in the house. I think we did alright with a grill and a microwave:

The living room is still a bit of a war zone, but I cleared off the couch and vacuumed a little no-shoes zone:

In actual work progress, the kitchen is fully drywalled! This is after taping and mudding. There's a lot of sanding and mudding left to do still. 

We've also been plugging away at installation of outlets, switches, and fixtures (PUN INTENDED). Let the record show that today I single-handedly assembled and installed a ceiling fan! I didn't electrocute myself, it works, and it hasn't fallen down yet. I did have rather a lot of parts leftover, though. Devon has in fact electrocuted himself several times, but he seems fine except for that slight tic. He might have had that before - can't be sure. 

Oh, and we bought and installed a medicine cabinet, but I forgot to take a picture. When the bathroom is 100% done, I'll post many more photos! 

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