Monday, October 15, 2012

Pop Quiz!

Oh, hi there, loyal readers! We have not fallen off of the planet, but we did fall off of the home improvement bandwagon for a little while. Mostly because we were busy showing off our house to our families and a house full of awesome housewarming party guests!

We're back with a vengeance, and we have another installment of Quiz time!

What's wrong with THIS picture?

Hint: It has nothing at all to do with my off brand duster. 


  1. Is that a garage door? I'm not sure what the thing up top is, but it looks like it'd be hard to take down when the door is open.

  2. Is that bracket too low? Also, real garage door! Woot!

  3. Top roller mount is upside down.

    G. Tucker

  4. The pulley bearing support appears to be too far down so as not to allow the door to move or to damage it when it does (Hubby helped me. :) )

  5. Teenuh and Trina, you're both close! It's really that the bracket is too far from the wall and the door was hitting the bracket when it was opened. In this picture, the door is open about as far as it would go. We had to fudge pretty much every step of the instructions because our garage is old and silly - this was just the last and most heart-wrenching issue!

    We've since trimmed the brackets and the door WORKS! We still need to fix up the trim outside, but our house has a functioning garage door for the first time since approximately 1989.
