Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Deck the Halls

Oh hi, blog readers! Fancy meetin' you here. And now, so that you don't notice that I haven't posted since ever, I shall distract you with shiny lights!

Christmas! Yay!

So, Christmas lights are hard. I feel just the slightest bit of empathy for the people whose Christmas lights I make fun of. And I make fun of EVERYONE'S Christmas lights, so a little empathy for each person is really a lot, all together.


It is, I admit, really hard to get them straight. Gutter clips are not the magic that the box claims, and you have to move the ladder a bajillion times. We didn't try too hard, really. This was only our first try at Christmas lights, and we didn't want to set the bar too high.

Christmas happened inside, too! This is our little tree, a dwarf Alberta Spruce. We're planning to keep it outside in a container and bring it in each year to decorate. The guy at the nursery said we could definitely get 5 or so years out of it this way. After that we'll plant it and pick a new Christmas tree strategy. For now, though, it's doofy and I like it. And it even has presents under it!

Here's a closer look.

Those are some sea turtles from our trip to Barbados, just there to keep things from getting too Christmasy.

I also hung up all of the beautiful Christmas cards we've gotten.

It's a little hard to tell, but they're hanging in the entryway. Many thanks to internet and real life friends for the cards!

Happy Holidays everyone!